Welcome to Meancing Matthew's place thing

Hello, this is a website that an idiot created for more coding practice :D. If your not into Weezer Please leave

More info if that wasnt enough

I am Tism ADHD He/Him problem child who only cares about music and being annoying. For more stuff here is my tumblr

Things I have been and are excited about

Blog post 2: epic gaming 8/?/23

I am gonna take a course to learn how to code better cause the current state of this website is arse, not very eye appealing. i dont know css or html that much, I learned a little bit about html last year but css is a new concept to me. I am really confused by css and dont have very much time to learn it lol, but at least its a easy concept for the most part. Not been able to play Pikmin, homework, started reading homestuck again, cause I gave up, and thats about it. Maybe I will have something intresting to say next time.

Blog post 1: new blog who dis 8/?/23

I just got pikmin 4!!!!!!2111!!!! It's been fun so far, currently i have 100% in four areas please help. It has been pretty fun, and i have been playing it for like all my free time (other than this). I have started school which isnt great, but American education system y'know. Hopefully it is not as bad as last year. Today I got this website set up (as of 8/21/23) and thats fun, I have learned a lot in a couple days. More about me is that I program midi and play bass and piano, more of the first one. I enjoy podcast and weezer and homestuck.

hit band weezer real


A site button with text reading: Strings Attached. The text flashes periodically. A sprite of Spamton appears on the right of the text and changes as he notices the green strings that appear behind him. Philia995